Monday, December 14, 2009

Pre:Vamped 02 : Elite Force Vs Caspa [Free Download]

Elite Force is at it again, releasing his second FREE download for the masses. This time coming from one of the forefront runners of the dubstep scene, Caspa. Words from the tech-funk pioneer:

"As promised, here's the second in the Pre-Vamped series of Free downloads for you. It's the much-requested and hugely filthy re-fix of Caspa's 'Where's My Money?' and the first of a series of dubstepbreaks re-fixes that will be coming your way in the coming weeks.
"Elite Force and Caspa TOGETHER! Couldn't wish for a better Christmas prez. 5/5" [Annie Nightingale (Radio One)]

"Great Stuff. Better than the original." [Plump DJs]

"This is one rip-roaring MONSTER" [Crystal Method]

"A surefire winner! 5/5" [Eddy Temple-Morris]

Bo!!!! Proper shizzle right here! Thanks :) Full support in iDJ - just you watch!" [Dave Jenkins, Editor iDJ]

BIG BIG BIG Tune Alert ! this is possibly the largest breaks tune I've heard this year! 10/10" [Maelstrom]"

Be sure to also check out his new website and if you missed out on the first Pre:Vamped 01 you can grab it at ELITEFORCEMUSIC.COM


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!