This weekend was FUN.. It was like Old Times... awwwww Total Girls Weekend!! Started with a 2 a.m. nightcap when Jessie came over late Friday Night... several hours after Jay jumped in Jeremy's car and headed to Sunday River for another Red Bull Snowboard Event!
Saturday morning silly shopping excursion... Found a party dress in the first store I stepped in!!
The whole afternoon went surprisingly smooth... well... except for the fact that Jessie burnt her face with the curling iron... I swear not a day goes by when one of us doesn't hurt ourselves...
Jessie was my date to my company holiday party! Where everyone thought Jessie was my little sister! I think most of the night the two of us sat wide eyed watching the adult debauchery... there is nothing more amusing than seeing coworkers wasted with their spouses...
I oddly enough went easy on the booze while we were rubbing elbows with my bosses... I really didn't want to come here on Monday and have to hide all day... hahaha After the yacht docked we were definitely ready to be around our own crazies... We bounced to the Ever Fun Good Life... for Fresh Produce... Chatted Up The Regulars... Downed Several Vodka Tonics ... Popped a Few Vortex Vitamins... I think i did the Running Man Once Again for a Few Minutes at Least... By bar close my Ass was curled up on the heated passenger seats ready for lala land... Which I would like to Add... AN ENORMOUS THANK YOU TO THE PERSON TO CREATED HEATED SEATS... WOW...
Sunday Morning... I made the usual eggs and toast breakfast as we dished over the weekend... I have to say the weekend was fun... it reminded me of several years ago... awwwwwwwwww I love you Jessie... but I have to say I'm so happy to have my baby home...
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