Tuesday, March 31, 2009

[NEWS] Monism007 - The Drop - Available Now!


"Nice work from Kid Blue on the remix tip here - tight & focused techfunk that should find favour with a lot of DJs." Elite Force (U&A Recordings/LOT49)

"Been playing Rory's mix since he did it! Top shiz!" Dylan Rhymes (LOT49/Adrift)

"kid blue mix sounding heavy...will grab and give a test drive...." Si Begg (Noodles Recordings)

"Loving this!!! Kid Blue remix is a peak hour crowd pleaser for sure. I can see the sweat dripping from the ceiling already... DJ Melee is a great Breaks track that will totally work in my breaks sets. Original mix will work nicely when I want to infuses some funk and acid. Excellent release!" Justin Johnson

"Kid Blue remix is total fidget madness!" Reid Speed

"Really digging the DJ MELEE mix of the Brian Thomas track, great feel to the track, nice production. I am feeling the original also, very cool stuff. Nice job guys!" Cates&dpL (OM Records)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Monism006 - ISTF - Available Now!!!

Click the image or HERE to purchase! You will find it online at all the usual digital retail outlets (itunes, beatport, junodownload, dancerecords etc).


"Zodiac Cartel doing the biz for me!" Dylan Rhymes (LOT49, UK)

"Tech-funk in full effect! Really feeling both MO7S and of course, Zodiac Cartel's killer version here. Hard hitting with tons of swagger. I'm surprised how much I love the piano stabs in ZC's mix." Jamie Kidd - (Metalogic, Thoughtless Music)

"Zodiac Cartel and Mo7s mixes are also top quality on "ISTF" dpL of Cates&dpL (OM Records)

"Yeow! the nasty nast! love it" Reid Speed