Shepard Fairey and Upper Playground will be offering the t-shirts for purchase at Upper Playground stores and online through www.UpperPlayground.com. The t-shirts are available in both a “Hope” and “Progress” edition and they each retail for $25. All proceeds from the sales of the Shepard Fairey/Upper Playground collaborative Obama t-shirt will go directly to creating more campaign t-shirts, posters, and stickers by other artists in support of Obama's bid for President. Upper Playground recently endorsed Obama’s campaign by creating campaign posters featuring artwork from the Date Farmers. For more information on the Shepard Fairey/Upper Playground t-shirt and their endorsement for Obama, please visit www.ObeyGiant.com or www.UpperPlayground.com.
Several weeks ago I voted for Obama in the Massachusetts Primaries. I read up on several of the candidates especially Obama and Hilary, a bit torn between the two. I watched some of their debates and was drawn to Obama, his standing on particular issues and the fact that I believe he can bring something New and Fresh to our Country!! I was very excited once I decided who I would be voting for and going through the whole procedure!!
It was my first time actually voting... and I felt great about Exercising my Right as an American and voting. Unfortunately, later that day at work I expressed my happiness about voting and harshly realized I was surrounded by middle aged, middle class, white men and to my dismay they had several words in response to my choice. I was a bit upset at first about the reaction and uproar that happened that day. Mostly due to their reasons seeming a bit racially fueled. It reminded me of how egocentric certain generations or just plain people actually are...
Since then I continued reading up and watching the Presidential Campaign... and each time I find someone that I admired (i.e. Sheppard Fairey) before is backing Obama I have to smile and remember that for every narrow minded asshole out there there are groups of people open to change.... Please Vote ~ JADE:
For more information about Obama please visit http://www.barackobama.com/
For more information about Obama please visit http://www.barackobama.com/